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The Voice Behind “It’s A Great Day At Hewitt Young!”

Our team of professionals is what make Hewitt Young Electric not only a fun and exciting place to work, but they create the fabric of our well-knit family atmosphere, who are dedicated to providing you with exceptional electrical services.

This month we are featuring our very own: Pam DeSimone.


  • What is your role at Hewitt Young Electric?

At Hewitt Young, I am an Administrative Assistant. My day to day tasks includes anything from helping with finances by entering payroll, keeping records, filing, AP/AR and assisting with correspondence for everyone in the office. I am also training to be a Project Admin, which I am very excited about because I greatly enjoy learning new things!

  • How long have you been with Hewitt Young?

I have been an employee at Hewitt Young for six years.

  • What do you like most about your job?

I would say I like the people I get to come to work with every day the most. I like being able to help where ever I can and it makes it even more enjoyable to come to work knowing I am helping people I care about.

  • What do you enjoy most about working at Hewitt Young?

I love that we are more like a family than coworkers. I also enjoy the laid-back atmosphere – we can mix in a good laugh with all our hard work.

  • Why do you think customers do business with us?

I think we make our customers feel confident doing business with us because we are a team of professionals who are all very knowledgeable in their respective fields.

  • How do you define success?

I would say success comes from within, if you are giving it your all and feeling successful then you are successful.

  • What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I love spending time with my family, in particular, my grandchildren but don’t tell my kids I said that!

  • What has been your favorite project at Hewitt Young?

My favorite project would have to be putting together our Annual Margarita Friday party. Every year we hold a fundraiser for someone in need or a local charity. Giving back makes me feel great, the fact that I enjoy party planning is a bonus!

  • If you could pick one theme for Hewitt Young to turn into a book about the company what would it be?

If we were to write a book about Hewitt Young, it would have to be a Comedy – we are always making each other laugh around here. Look at our posters around the office, we created the Maple Street Theory naming ourselves as characters from the Big Bang Theory. Little jokes like that make coming to work fun.

  • What is on your wish list for the next 10 years with Hewitt Young?

I love working at Hewitt Young so much that I hope to retire from here someday. My main goal would include always continuing to challenge myself to learn more.

  • What is your favorite line from any movie?

“Go ahead make my day!” – Clint Eastwood playing Harry Callahan from the 1983 film “Sudden Impact.”

  • If you had one meal to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

I would have to pick: steak and grilled shrimp, to eat for the rest of my life.

  • Is the glass half empty or half full?

Of course, the glass is always half full!