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Leadership Training at HYE: Creating Self Alignment



Leadership Training at HYE: Creating Self Alignment


As we look to start to close out the second month of 2019, we are extremely excited to kick off our 2019 Hewitt Young University program. HYU started with a simple idea in mind: “How do we help our people become the best they want to be?” Our focus is centered around our people creating a self-alignment, learning first to lead themselves, and then finding alignment through our organization to grow as leaders. We truly believe that creating clarity in one’s life is core to being successful to any degree. Our students are challenged to look deep within themselves to find who they are, who they want to be, and what steps they must take to make that a reality. We want all our people to be able to be completely themselves in our workplace. We are continually looking to tear down the walls of bureaucracy and rigid structures to encourage alignment.


We, including myself, are committed to this program and the future of our people. We expect all our leaders complete HYU, to work to find their inner compass, and to spread love through the workplace. Yes, I did say love. We strive to have each member of our team love to come to work, to love what they do, and love who they work with. We focus heavily on learning what each one of our defining personal characteristics are by having each student complete a DISC analysis to learn and share their motivators.  By learning more about one another we push to improve our internal communication, deepen our relationships, and help each other grow.


Energy, Positive, and Hopeful are three strong words that I would use to describe the atmosphere of this year’s class. I know personally, I could not be more excited to see what this class will create, improve, and find within themselves.

Article by Cody Hewitt