Our team of professionals is what makes Hewitt Young Electric not only a fun and exciting place to work, but they create the fabric of our well-knit family atmosphere, who are dedicated to providing you with exceptional electrical services.
This month we are featuring our very own: Sean Barry.
- What is your role at Hewitt Young Electric?
At Hewitt Young, I am a Prefabrication Manager and Project Designer.
- How long have you been with Hewitt Young?
I have been employed at Hewitt Young since 2009.
- What do you like most about your job?
The best part of my job is designing a project on paper and then seeing the job completed!
- What do you enjoy most about working at Hewitt Young?
I love the people. Working for Hewitt Young makes me feel like I have a second family – everyone is so close.
- Why do you think customers do business with us?
I believe customers do business with us because we treat people like people and not just a dollar sign.
- How do you define success?
Success is achieving the goals you have set for yourself.
- What do you like to do outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy golf, traveling, camping, and going out to dinner.
- What has been your favorite project at Hewitt Young?
My favorite project completed by Hewitt Young would be the solar install on the roof of Wegmans Meat Depot.
- If you could pick one theme for Hewitt Young to turn into a book about the company what would it be?
If we were to write a book about Hewitt Young the theme would be striving to be the best that you can be.
- What is on your wish list for the next 10 years with Hewitt Young?
My wish is for HYE to have the best prefabrication shop in western/central NY.
- What is your favorite line from any movie?
“Say Hello To My Little Friend!” – Al Pacino, Scarface
- If you had one meal to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?
If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be steak and potatoes.
- Is the glass half empty or half full?
Half full of course!